I have discovered, is a weatherman. I guess they're called meteorologists now (admit it, when you first heard this word you thought it was somebody who studied meteors). Why the perfect job? Think about it...what other profession will let you screw up more than 50% of the time and not get you fired? Ever heard of quality control at the National Weather Service? Nope. And here's what pisses me off the most: if it's Monday and they forecast sunny skies and warm temperatures for, say, Wednesday and then Wednesday turns out to be cloudy and cool, do you think they apologize for being massively, horribly wrong? Again, nope. I applaud the folks in New York who attempted to sue the weather folks for predicting a blizzard that never came (the city spent millions in preparations). That's what they need, these meteorologists, incentive to not fuck up. We all have that incentive. It's called getting fired for sucking at your job.
And why for the love of Christ do they even bother with extended or long-range forecasts? They are never right. Keep track sometime. Keep Monday's newspaper for a full week and see how accurate they are. Oh, I know what they'd say. Weather patterns are constantly changing, that it's impossible to be exact 100% of the time. No kidding. But then why do they even bother trying? One day. That's how far in the future they should be allowed to make predictions. Anything more than that...you might as well use a Magic 8 Ball.
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