Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Uncontrolled Stupidity

Do you know what an uncontrolled intersection is?  Of course you do.  It's an intersection of streets where there are no stop or yield signs nor stoplights.  Do you know what to do when you approach one of these intersections?  Sure you do.  You barrel through it without checking the cross street and pray no one is coming.  Well, that's what everyone in Sioux Falls does.  I swear, I want to buy a cheap truck and just drive around T-boning these idiots.  In case you're interested, you yield to the car on your right.  Are you listening Sioux Falls? 

1 comment:

  1. Sioux Falls drivers have something in common with Las Vegas drivers. I see people going through four way intersections with not even a glance to their left or right. It's probably because they're holding a cell phone to their ear or texting. On my way to work, I will also see drivers changing lanes in front of me without signaling. It's dangerous out there!
