Here's a scenario I'd like you to think about. Your kid's not feeling well so you take him to see a doctor (let's call him Dr. B). This doc says he knows exactly what's wrong with your child and prescribes medication. You diligently give the medicine but after a few days, the condition gets worse. You think to yourself, well, Dr. B spoke with authority and conviction regarding the diagnosis so I better give the medicine some more time. It should work. The doctor said it would.
After a few more days, your child falls gravely ill and you rush him to the emergency room. They run many tests. Finally, the ER doctor (let's call him Dr. O) emerges with startling news. Dr. B not only misdiagnosed your child, he prescribed medication that made the condition worse. Dr. O, however, advises that your child will be OK but it will be slow recovery process and that you will need to be patient.
Now here's my question for you: if your child isn't back to perfect health in the next few days following the ER visit, would you take him back to Dr. B? Of course not. You'd be the worst parent in the world, not to mention an idiot. You'd be contemplating legal action against Dr. B, not letting the guy have another go at your kid. It's just common sense.
So here's my point: why would you even consider listening to Republican plans to fix the economy when it was the policies of the Bush administration that drove it into the ground in the first place? We had a budget surplus under Clinton. Now look at it. Obama's the ER doc who told us we needed to be patient. Yet everyone thinks the folks that caused the problem are the best people to fix it. Ever heard of the definition of crazy? It's doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. If you think the Republicans can repair our economy using the same policies that wrecked it, then you're freaking nuts.